Legal information
This website is the property of the company
managed by
Mrs Kelly Da Silva
30 cite Schleed
L-9738 Eselborn
Tel: +352 621 788 542
registered in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS Luxembourg): A44580
VAT: LU35205762
EORI : LU35205762
Business permit 10155341/0 issued by the Luxembourg Ministry of the Economy.
By continuing to consult, the user unreservedly accepts the following conditions. D'ALMA also reserves the right to modify the conditions of use of this site at any time. Therefore, D'ALMA advises all users to regularly consult the latest version of the conditions of use of the website. For any complaints, the user can contact the publisher of the website at
Use of the website
The user undertakes not to infringe the rights of D'ALMA and not to cause it harm.
The user undertakes in particular not to harm the reputation, defame, insult, harass or threaten D'ALMA or a client thereof or a third party and not to use a device, subprogram or software which could harm the proper functioning of the website.
Intellectual property
All elements present on the website, whether visual, textual or audio, are the exclusive property of D'ALMA or the holder of the intellectual property rights concerned, and are as such protected by the Intellectual Property Code and copyright. As such, any total or partial reproduction of the elements accessible on is strictly prohibited.
The website is intended for your personal use for non-commercial purposes. Any reproduction, representation, translation, adaptation or quotation, whether in whole or in part, whatever the process of any of the above elements, is strictly prohibited except in the case of prior written authorization from D'ALMA.
Personal data management
The information collected is subject to computer processing intended for customer management. All personal data collected by D'ALMA is treated with the strictest confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of the personal data protection policy. In any case, D'ALMA collects personal information relating to the user only for the purposes of certain services offered by the site. The user provides this information in full knowledge of the facts, particularly when he enters it himself.
Any information concerning users is subject to the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, as amended by Law No. 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, and by European Regulation No. 2016/679, As such, any user has the right to access, modify and delete information concerning them. He can make a request at any time to the data controller by email at
If you subscribe to information services by email (“newsletter”), you can ask to no longer receive these emails either as indicated above, or by following the instructions at the end of each of these emails, when you receive them.
If you consider, after contacting us, that your data protection rights are not respected, you can send a complaint to the National Commission for Data Protection, located at 15, Boulevard du Jazz, 4370 Belvaux, Luxembourg.
Cookie policy
The website uses “cookies” allowing it to process statistics and information on traffic, facilitate navigation and improve the service for user comfort. The user is free to accept or refuse cookies from all websites by modifying their browser settings. Please consult our privacy policy for further information on this.
Website access licence
D'ALMA grants a limited license to access and use the website for any personal use. Under no circumstances is the user authorized to download or modify all or part of this website without prior authorization. This license does not under any circumstances permit the use, for sale or for any other commercial use, of this site or its content (products listed, descriptions, prices, downloading or copying of information on behalf of another merchant, use of data, software, graphics, images, texts, photographs).
D'ALMA gives authorization, on a non-exclusive and revocable basis, to create a hypertext link pointing to the home page of the website on the condition that this link cannot create a misleading character for it, or for its products or services. Under no circumstances will the creation of this hypertext link incur liability, in any capacity whatsoever, for the content of a third party website. Any use of our logo or graphics in your link requires express written permission.
At any time, the site owner can decide to place advertising spaces there. In this case, D'ALMA enjoys complete freedom when it comes to the choice of these advertisers, the types of display of advertisements but also their position on the website.